Saturday, December 26, 2009

Bbq and Old Friends Gathering Party

24th Dec 20099
Today i work full day and is also Christmas Eve too(Wish you all Merry Christmas although is too late)
And i was at Gurney Plaza To Countdown But i at there to eat only(haha) And i back about 12:45,when i back i saw all the are spraying car on whole road!!It seem like snow!!!

25th Dec 2009
Today i work morning shift only because tonight got Old Friend Gathering(hahaha so fun) i dint imagine that i was the first cam er on there and no buddy start on it yet!!we start about 10 and end on 02:15 because all friends have to work on Saturday so we just end in Happy Way.And the whole we just eat,eat,eat,eat,eat,eat,eat and talk,talk,talk,talk,talk!!!!
So happy that old Friends Gathering Party but i still have a little bit Disappoint...


  1. 友情像一棵樹木,要慢慢的栽培,才能成長真的友誼,要經過困難考驗,才可友誼永固..................................................

  2. You Are??
    Am i knOW YOU??
    Mind To Intro??
