那我也算了,反正他受伤。就只好让他。。。哪知道他会约我去早餐(点心)那也好晚上他不能陪我晚餐,那过后我就开始约朋友(same as usual)因为这已成为我的一部分了………………
那还好至少有人陪吃早餐,不会孤零零的过生日。。。谢谢你们俩人(David and Eric)
昨天还误会他/她们因为我有取消的念头,因为不是每个人都会出息,比如Eric要去物理治疗,Boon didn't answer my call,Valerie financial problems.
我还真的很惊喜,Valerie会约我和David for lunch.....哪知道Lynn会出奇不易的约在Eric house for lunch(My Gosh First Time Ever....)Of Course we bought food to there and borrow the plate,fork,spoon,cup,dish washer,water and 100 plus... And most of us were in tomoto face,and we're shy,because Eric is not have lunch with us.....After 20 minute we done our lunch,then we start to clean everythings.After that we held to Eric Room to chit chat.... Until 02:30pm...
Then me and David held back to each of our house,On 03:30pm we went out again to Queensbay for movie (The Amazing Spider Man)
Nice movie...
On 06:11 the movie done.06:30pm we left QB and held to Eric to fetch him.Almost 9 o clock then we reach Ferry Terminal.supposed we have it on 大树下 晚餐的哪知道没开店。。。只好问联文那里友好介绍…… 还真的他会带我们去呢……(BlenMix)
When the time is remind us,there's the problem always show up so to the last year,but this year quite lucky because just have to spend 10 minutes we can get our car back to get home....l
Thank You Eric,Lynn,Boon,Valerie And David
Appreciated so much between our friendship ;-)
And thank to every friends wish.
Valerie and Lynn the present was cool and awesomeB-)